by Tom Varner | Feb 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
After much deliberation, the following have been selected for roles in First Date:
Evan Fifer – Aaron
Gentry Nessel – Man 2
Breanna Noe – Casey
Josh Noll – Man 1
Megan Noll – Woman 1
Megan Ritter – Woman 2
Tom Varner – Man 3
For those of you not selected, please don’t feel slighted. Casting decisions are made on a number of factors (quality of audition, availability during rehearsals, how well you fit the director’s vision for the role, etc.) and not being selected is no reflection on your talent. We are still in need of a stage manager, prop master, and set construction people. If you would like to assist with the show in that aspect, please let us know.
by Bill | Feb 8, 2016 | Announcements, Auditions

Photo credit – University of Texas at Arlington
Quick reminder that auditions for Hard Road’s spring musical, FIRST DATE, are tonight (Monday) at 7:00 in the Highland Elementary chorus room
FIRST DATE is a small cast musical that both audiences and cast members will love. Looking for a challenging role? This will do it.
If you are auditioning, we’re asking you to fill out the audition form online before coming tonight. You can link to it here It’s easy, trust me.
If you would like more information, the casting call poster follows:

See you tonight!
by Bill | Feb 2, 2016 | Announcements, Auditions, Casting
Do you remember your first First Date? Well, this show is nothing like that! You will actually enjoy going on this date.
FIRST DATE is just that – a blind date that unfolds in real time. The couple quickly finds they are not alone in this unpredictable evening. Casey and Aaron’s inner critics take on a life of their own when other restaurant patrons transform into supportive best friends, manipulative exes and protective parents who sing and dance the pair through ice-breakers, appetizers and potential conversational land mines.
This could also be one of the most challenging shows in which you have ever performed. Aside from our main couple, everyone plays multiple roles. This is a true ensemble show.
There are roles for 3-4 women and 3-4 men. Lots of singing and dialog and very little dance (so, if you avoid musicals because you can’t dance well – like me – cast your worries aside!)
Auditions are next Monday, February 8th at 7:00 in the Chorus Room at the Highland Elementary School. Have a musical number prepared – modern show tunes would be a good choice (you should put away your Rogers and Hammerstein Songbook) and be prepared for some cold readings from the script. AND – here’s the change from our traditional auditions – fill out your audition form BEFORE you come. Our form is online and will be very easy to complete. If you have a picture or theater bio you’d like to submit, you can upload it with your form. Pretty easy, huh? To access our form, go HERE or HERE or even HERE.
Callbacks will be held the following night at the same location.
Performance dates are April, 15, 16, 17, 22 and 23. Rehearsals will begin late February. Bill Sullivan is directing the show (that’s me) and David Wilton is the musical director. Guaranteed good times!
See you Monday night?