Here’s the information you were waiting for . . . information on auditions for Into the Woods, Jr and Disney’s Winnie the Pooh, Kids.

Auditions are scheduled for Thusday, May 3rd from 7:00 to 10:00 PM and callbacks are scheduled on Saturday, May 5th from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.  Both sessions are being held at the Highland Elementary Auditorium on Lindenthal Avenue in Highland.

One session will be held for both shows and the students will then be cast in one show or another.   Auditions are open to all children currently in grades 2 through 8.  We do ask that one parent or guardian be present to help fill out audition forms and answer any questions that the directors might have.

The kids will all be taught one song that they will be given the opportunity to sing in groups if they want a chorus part, or individually if they are seeking a named singing part.  We will also teach them a simple dance step as well.  Finally, those students wanting a speaking role will also be given the opportunity to read briefly from the script.

The auditions on Thursday will allow the directors to meet the kids and form some ideas as to where they might best fit in either show.  The Saturday callbacks will be to finalize the assignment of individual roles.More information will be posted as it becomes available.