This past weekend, we had a very successful opening of The Marvelous Wonderettes. My sincere congratulations to the cast – you performed marvelously (see what I did there?).
But to the point of this blog post. In the program I am listed as the director, which I was. What this doesn’t mention is that, due to some serious time constraints, I was going to be unavailable for several rehearsals during the final two weeks prior to opening night – the most critical rehearsal days. This would not work.
I turned to Weston Holzinger, my assistant director, and asked him to step into the director’s role for these last two weeks. He readily took the reins and, I must tell you, he did an absolutely terrific job bringing this show to fruition. His vision for the show was spot on and his energy was tireless.
He, too, was MARVELOUS.

So, Weston, thank you.
(BTW – don’t let his efforts go unnoticed. There are still two shows remaining on this Friday and Saturday (January 25 & 26) at the Highland High School Kennel. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!)