Father Knows Best – An Orchid for a Lady

Hard to believe, but this is the LAST Hard Road Theatre Productions Stage at Home Video for summer 2020!!!! And being the last one, it’s a little different than the others! Today instead of the Hard Road Kids in front of the camera – we switch it up and our amazing SAH creative team, Gentry Fifer, Breanna Noe, Karlee Holzinger, Kenzie Holzinger and Weston Holzinger perform for us! They have worked long and tireless hours to write, direct, cast, choreograph and edit these videos all summer! So, while they are singing “You’re Welcome”, it’s because we are thanking them for their time and dedication to making this a fun and music filled summer for the kids and our vitual audiences!
We’re going to miss popping up on your FB feed each and every week, but don’t worry, as we wait for the appropriate time to perform in front you you again live, we have some other surprises coming over the next weeks and months!
One more thing – if you’ve enjoyed these Stage at Home videos, I’d ask that you take a moment to consider making a donation to our great organization. Our summer shows bring in significant operating revenue for our entire season and not having that hinders our ability to do other exciting things for theatre and live perfomance here in Highland throughout the rest of the year. Our goal always has been and still is to provide the best performance entertainment and opportunities for our wonderful community. There are no donations too large or small and we appreciate anything you might want to give. Below is a link to make donations through Paypal. You can also go to our site https://www.hardroad.org and donate through the “Support Hard Road” button.
Thank you for a great summer – remember to stay safe and always dream big! See you soon!
Wow, what a summer it has been for Hard Road Theatre Productions! While we really missed being on stage and performing for all of you in person, we had a blast making these fun Stage At Home videos! So today we have the penultimate Stage at Home episode for you – looking back at the last 12 weeks and celebrating all the talented kids (and parents!) who starred in these videos for us!
You’ve all been a dynamite audience and we are beyond thankful that you’ve been with us on this fun journey! So site back, relax and enjoy our video “We Know the Way”! And as always stay safe and keep dreaming big!