Suspense – Sorry, Wrong Number
Greetings from Hard Road Theatre! Welcome to Hard Road Theatre Stage at Home Radio Serials where we step back in time and bring you tales from the Golden Age of Radio. Tonight we present “Suspense” featuring notable melodramas from stage and screen that will bring you to the edge of your chair and keep you in … Suspense!, brought to you by Blake Schrumpf, State Farm.
We know a lot of people who think there are a lot of people who don’t like a good ghost story. For the benefit of these, at least, we go on record at the outset of this evening’s entertainment with a sober assurance that, although blood may be curdled on this program, none will be spilt. There’s no shooting, knifing, throttling, axing or poisoning here. No clanking chains, no cobwebs, no bony and/or hairy hands appearing from secret panels or, better yet, bedroom curtains. If it’s any part of that dear old phosphorescent foolishness that people who don’t like ghost stories don’t like…then, again I promise you, we haven’t got it. Not tonight. What we DO have is a thriller. If it’s half as good as we think it is, you can call it a shocker. A story doesn’t have to appeal to the heart, it can also appeal to the spine. Sometimes you want your heart to be warmed and – sometimes you want your spine to tingle. The tingling, it’s to be hoped, will be quite audible as you listen tonight … to “Sorry, Wrong Number”
Tonight’s episode is titled – Sorry, Wrong Number
Announcer – Bill Sullivan
Mrs. Stevenson – Mary Knebel
Operator/Information – Linda Collman
1st Man/Western Union – Carlos Munguia
George – Brian Knobloch
Chief Operator – Gentry Fifer
Sergeant Martin – Evan Fifer
Hospital Receptionist – Breanna Noe
Recording/Sound Engineer – Carlos Munguia
Audio Sous-Chef – Bill Sullivan
Audio/Foley Editor – Brian Knobloch/blockplanedesigns
We’re trying to recreate that magic this fall and winter with a new venture entitled “Hard Road Stage at Home Radio Serials”. Our plan is produce and release a high quality, expertly produced vintage radio show on a weekly basis throughout these cold winter months. We have assembled a talented production staff and have cast these shows with top notch talent! If you like what you’ve heard please consider becoming a donor. For more information about Hard Road Theatre, to donate to our organization or for information on becoming a sponsoring please visit our website, www.hardroad.org.