2015-16 Season
First Date
Directed by Bill Sullivan
Set in the present day in New York City, First Date is a one-act musical that follows a blind date between newbie Aaron and serial-dater Casey. They meet for a casual drink at a busy New York restaurant. As the date unfolds in real time, the couple quickly finds that they are not alone on this unpredictable evening. In a delightful and unexpected twist, Casey and Aaron’s inner critics take on a life of their own when other restaurant patrons transform into supportive best friends, manipulative exes and protective parents, who sing and dance them through ice-breakers, appetizers, and potential conversational land mines. Can this couple turn what could be a dating disaster into something special before the check arrives? First Date is a hysterical and hopeful musical about the chances we all take to find love.

Evan Fifer – Aaron
Gentry Nessel – Man 2
Breanna Noe – Casey
Josh Noll – Man 1
Megan Noll – Woman 1
Megan Ritter – Woman 2
Tom Varner – Man 3
2025 Season

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Hard Road Theatre Productions
PO Box 68
Highland, IL 62249.
E-mail: hrtptix@gmail.com
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