2023 Season
Disney’s Finding Nemo Jr.
june 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24 & 25
All Performances at the Highland Upper Elementary School
Use the module below to purchase your tickets for Hard Road Theatre’s production of Finding Nemo Jr. online. Kid Tickets are for children ages 12 and under and Senior Tickets are for those aged 60 and above. All children 3 and under get in free but will need a ticket which you can get on day of the performance.
For groups of 10 or more (at one performance) or if you have any issues with your online order please email us at hrtptix@gmail.com.
Each ticket is good for the entry of one person.
If you would like to buy tickets in person, they are currently on sale at the Louis Latzer Library and there will also be a limited number available at the door the day of the performances.

Contact Hard Road
Have questions? Interested in becoming part of the team? Send us an email at: hrtptix@gmail.com
Hard Road Theatre Productions may be reached through this website or through our social media accounts.
If you'd prefer to send something to us by mail, you can reach us at the address below:
Hard Road Theatre Productions
PO Box 68
Highland, IL 62249.
E-mail: hrtptix@gmail.com
Have a question? Shoot us a message!